Wednesday, February 13, 2013



Wow, first post! This is very exciting!

I wanted to use this first post to quickly introduce myself to this extraordinary community.

I am a college student, who may not know exactly what I'm doing, but am looking forward to the journey. Cliche? Maybe, but I'm a big time planner who always wants to know exactly what is going on, so being okay with the unknown is kind of surprising to me. Do your best, try new things, and be open to change of plans. Oh, and enjoy one's self. You must stop and smile along the way!

Nourishment is also quite important, and that is where this blog comes in. I love trying new recipes and  creating ways to make something healthier. Making recipes gluten free is an added challenge that I have enjoyed over the years, and take pride when a reconstructed recipe goes over very well and is enjoyed by everyone!

Here, I can share snacks and smiles while wandering through life and enjoying every minute of it!


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